Full days...my mind feels a bit overwhelmed thinking one week from today we will be in a new home. The pictures above are the official signing on Wednesday..Homeowners!!
I look around this house and many things
come to mind...how much there is to pick up, how I need to fold laundry, I need to do something with the big pile of donated bubble wrap for packing, and..... how much I have enjoyed this home.
This was Anderson's home for the first year of his life, the home he came home to. This was a home Deveraux and I spent many hours in playing and creating. I found myself staring out at our property this morning, the pool we have so enjoyed and the ocean across the street. My mind can often go in the direction of, "Oh no, look at all we are leaving." I stopped and thought the very heads on our hair are numbered by the God of the universe. I felt strangely comforted. I guess because we are okay no matter where we go and this just isn't all there is, we will always just be passing through this side of heaven. So we are just going to our next "passing through" place and it's okay.
Deveraux and I were driving by our old complex last night, she didn't remember our home or the many many walks around the neighborhood. It made me somewhat sad because those memories are so vivid for me and as a mom you pour so much into the moment and you are so much more aware of your surroundings as you take each walk and stop at each special spot to play. I think she will have a sense of being happy and enjoying her days but not remember the exact spot. I wonder if she will remember the home we are in now.
So this week, we will be up late, a little stressed, excited, running around a lot, weary, and through it know we will soon hear the cries, laughter, and stories of our children, our family, our friends, and one another within the new walls we will call home. I always said I wanted a place to "hang my hat", expressing the desire for a home, a sense of permanence. I didn't picture Maui, but our pictures often change. I do know I realized our places we rented became our homes and it didn't really matter that we "owned" them, we really lived in them and took them as our own. The pictures on the wall became my paint and I did hang some hats by the door. I still long for a home near family and that may never change, but for now a new adventure asks us to walk, and this week we walk!