Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Embarking on a new journey

So we have embarked on a new journey in the last few weeks...buying our first family home. I certainly did not set out wanting a home. I've always wanted one foot out the "Maui door" and buying a home represents stability and more of a sense of permanence. But I was willing to look and now just a few weeks later we are waiting for final loan approval, life is an adventure! In fact, from the day we looked at the house it was just two weeks later that we were walking through "our" house with a home inspector. We have decided right now it just feels we should move through this door and I am totally trusting Andrew.
I will never forget the day Andrew told me we "got" the house. We thought we had lost the house, then we were able to put in another bid, and the day we were to find out, Andrew walked in the door, got out the sparkling cider and I knew. It was a knowing moment for us...those are fewer now that we share most of our moments with two little beings aged 4 and under. It was our moment, we knew what is meant after 15 years of togetherness, it was nice to share a new moment.
So our world during the past few weekends have opened our eyes to the tall ceilings at Home Depot and Lowe's....showing us a world we had not previously stepped into. Buying our first appliances, shopping for ceiling fans, closets, and lights. Our children have been mostly patient as we try to sort through what all of this means. It is fun, exciting, challenging, scary, uncertain, and hopeful...it is good to stay in each day.
So the fast whirlwind has slowed as we wait for final loan approval and in about a week the house on Poinciana could be ours (still crazy), Deveraux calls it the "Big House", her first home was about 600 square feet. So we wait and see...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shannon, Drew, and the two gifts from the sea. I love your blog. Keep it up! Love, STEF
