We have had a full week.....
The Butterfly Farm with the mom's group where we got touch and feel butterflies. (brother almost ate one, oops!)
A Birthday party where Deveraux asked for a goody bag for Anderson, that just touched my heart, a small thing yet big, she looked out for her brother.
Baskets..Brother's first Easter egg hunt! We had a lot of mom's come out for our annual Easter egg hunt at Hawaiian Village Coffee shop..the grass was filled with moms and keiki! It made me glad for the community, even with all the bumps....
And welcome Home (big house).....We got the keys today! It was a crazy day... Dev and Anderson both have colds and are sick, running back and forth from the Easter egg hunt to the new house, not being able to find putty for Lance to sta
rt painting the nursery..thinking we have just begun! But
we weathered it and peace came eventually. Then in the evening, the four of us went home. We were walked or were carried across the threshold and went into each room with much joy and dancing around. Deveraux didn't want to leave, I just kept saying, "I can't believe we have a home." From our house we look down on Kahana Reef our first home in Maui (600 square ft.). We feel so blessed and it just felt good, it was our house!
A picture is worth a 1000 words! Should you ever doubt the decision to honor thy husband with this new beautiful home only look at outstretched arms, smile on the face and remember that except the Lord build the house they labor in vain. Tia loves ya'll