Saturday, January 22, 2011


I was thinking this week that as a parent you have so many choices and on so many levels. We are out on a walk. I say, "this walk is for momma, but yes, you may bring your skates. But we are mostly going to sit in the stroller with a little bit of skating." But then as we go, I see the joy as those skates hit the sidewalk and she goes faster than she has ever gone. How can I stick to the original plan when there is such joy? Is my walk important, yes. Will there be other walks, yes. Will there be other skate times, yes. So each time is a choice, there are times to say, "my turn" and there are times of sacrifice. I am still very much on the learning curve. It is about being flexible, in the moment, trusting, and my prayer right now, surrender my day to Him.

Friday, January 21, 2011

First cone!

Anderson's first ice cream cone! Yummy! I would say he liked it! It really is about the simple pleasures isn't it. Andrew and I are amazed how Anderson can delight in the everyday. He doesn't anticipate what is ahead so he really can be in the moment and be caught up. One night he was so excited looking at lights and all he had to look forward to was going home to bath and bed, but he wasn't thinking like that and it didn't matter because right then he was looking at lights. Thank you sweet Anderson for such a good remider for us to live in the moment and to not always anticipate what is coming next or to base our feelings on looking forward to what is ahead. As Andersons says, "WOW" when he is looking at something, I hope we can learn to say "wow" more.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!

I always say... you never leave the beach empty, it always gives back. Sometimes it is just enough to clear your head, bring perspective, to have a sense of a bigger world, to witness power, and to see God in the waves. I am so glad we caught the last waves of the last light on New Years Eve 2010. And to catch waves with Papa was a treat!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The mess of Life!

Okay so this is what my house looks like a lot throughout the day and I try profusely to keep it picked up and as I am picking up in another room another mess is happening. Something hit me one day and I took a picture I guess to see it and mark it. I am trying so hard to keep in control and maybe God is saying, let it go. It is okay to live in the mess of life and a house that doesn't stay stagnant and picked up in every moment. I have often wondered how can I have a life that is balanced, how can I do it all? To have a productive day (in my eyes to get stuff done), play meaningfully with the kids, to have personal moments, have a clean home, and a hot dinner on the table. A lot of times, it just doesn't all happen. No, it doesn't happen most of the time. So is God in the business of a balanced life? think He is interested in a surrendered life. Our job isn't always to go around picking up life, it is to live in the midst of it, giving glory to God.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Oh Christmas Tree!

Christmas has arrived! After all the preparations and anticipation, we have arrived! We had a lovely morning with the four of us. It was relaxing, slow, fun, exciting, and just good to be us! Deveraux was blessed with a dream stroller (which I would have loved) and skates! Anderson is now the proud owner of Power Tools and a wagon! We then had a great lunch with Papa and Kimmy and then we all headed to Puamana to have great beach fun! Anderson tried out a boogie board for the first time. He loved it! We ended the evening with looking at Christmas lights in a black sleigh (Papa driving the truck) and had our last advent. A good day to celebrate the most wonderful of celebrations!

I look forward to next Advent and Christmas season. To do some things different and hopefully better and some things the same. As Deveraux take down the ornaments, we say, "see you next year!" And we will!