Saturday, January 22, 2011


I was thinking this week that as a parent you have so many choices and on so many levels. We are out on a walk. I say, "this walk is for momma, but yes, you may bring your skates. But we are mostly going to sit in the stroller with a little bit of skating." But then as we go, I see the joy as those skates hit the sidewalk and she goes faster than she has ever gone. How can I stick to the original plan when there is such joy? Is my walk important, yes. Will there be other walks, yes. Will there be other skate times, yes. So each time is a choice, there are times to say, "my turn" and there are times of sacrifice. I am still very much on the learning curve. It is about being flexible, in the moment, trusting, and my prayer right now, surrender my day to Him.

1 comment:

  1. i love love love reading your blog. makes us closer. and i always said i wanted to learn from you once i became a mama, right? well i'd rather be taking the walks/skates with you, but reading about it all and your thoughts will have to do for now :)
    thankful for you!
    and your children are just stunning.
