Thursday, September 27, 2012

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Blastoff!!!

Every good adventure starts with coffee! 
So that is where we began...

Waiting for the retiring Space Shuttle Endeavor which passed over Monterey Bay, heading to Los Angeles.  This marks the last space shuttle that will fly!

This picture captures my buddy!
Still Waiting....

Launching our own rocket!

Still Waiting...
I love his knees!  A few scrapes!
It's coming!
Pretty Cool!
So Bobo came out with this on and said it was his space suit!
It was cool because even before we saw the shuttle, Bobo has expressed an interest in space.  We have checked out a bunch of books from the library on space.  Fire trucks and fighters still rank number 1, but it is nice to have another interest brewing!

This was a shuttle he wanted to make after seeing the shuttle pass over, his sister graciously helped him put it together and they worked as a team.


Psalm 37:3
Trust in the Lord and do good;
Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness"

So simple
so difficult
I love the idea of cultivating faithfulness, it must be cultivated because it certainly doesn't happen in one day or over night.  But it is a building of one day, one moment into the next...cultivate.

My Oswald readings lately have been about committing our way unto the Lord and making Him the center. 
I love these reminders of absolute truth...
"If you try to guard it (your life) yourself, you remove yourself from My deliverance.  We do lean to our own understanding, instead of trusting God with all our hearts."
"There are many things that are perfectly legitimate, but if you are going to concentrate on God you cannot do them."
"Fretting springs from a a determination to get our own way."
"It sounds so good easy to talk about 'resting in the Lord' and 'waiting patiently for Him' until the nest is upset-until we live.  Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances at all, but on your relationship to God Himself."
"Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way.  All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God."
"The one thing that keeps us from the possibility of worrying is bringing God in as the greatest factor in all our calculations."  (Psalm 37:5)
"Jesus said-'Let not your heart be troubles.'  God will not keep your heart from being troubled.  It is a command-'Let not"...Haul yourself up a hundred and one times a day in order to do it, until you get into the habit of putting God first and calculating with Him in view."

It would feel really good to just let go and not go to the automatic responses of worry, of trying to figure it all out, and to try and find that illusive "balance" in life.  That I don't have to worry if I am in His keeping....what a concept. 
To just live with Christ as the center, to commit our ways and to actually trust Him.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bakery Weekend #5

The Wild Plum

The best decorated coffee cup ever!

Her eyes must have been dizzy seeing so many wonderful delights!
Bobo scored with his pastry pick, it was so good!

So loved the atmosphere, the food choices, the pastry's...the wait was long for our egg dishes and we had a restless boy on our the rating went down a bit...I forget to get a rating from everyone so I will give it a 7/8!  I will definitely go back!


One day when the three of us were together and some interaction transpired, I can't remember now....but Deveraux said, "That's where you come in"...we all need reminders of our jobs.  (he he)

God has and will continue to have Deveraux keep me on my toes!

Bobo will say when referring to when he was born,
"That's when I was boring"  or "Was I boring then?"

You are anything but boring Bobo!

Beach Clean Up

So we headed out one Saturday to Carmel Beach to help with beach clean up.  Andrew's work, the Hyatt, had a big crew of employee's helping out so he was able to go into work a couple hours late that day and we were glad!

We had a check list to mark off all that we found.  I didn't think we would find that much because the beach is pretty clean.  But we ended up with a little pile.  Bobo found a green string that I thought was seaweed, a great find! 
It was a good thing to be a part of and fun!

We hung out for awhile after the clean up with some friends that recently moved from Maui.  We ended up being on the sand for awhile, playing in the trees, it was fun! 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First "Preschool"

My friend Joy came up with an idea to get together with a few moms once a week and we would take turns providing a lesson/fun time for our 3 yearold's.  Week one was at Joy's house and we learned all about space.  We made star gazers and kaleidoscope's. 

They got to decorate hard boiled eggs like they were rockets!

A demonstration of the different phases of the moon using cheese

My boy is holding the earth!
They got to connect the starts to form different constellations!

Then we went outside to launch a foam rocket!

Bobo of course loved the rocket!  A very fun and educational afternoon!  Yeah Joy!