Monday, September 17, 2012


My sweet girl!
Deveraux has had some hard moments with school. 
The teacher switches the students seats every couple of weeks.  This is hard for Deveraux.  I think some of it is because she gets settled into her seat and comfortable, there is a certain predictability, I so get that!  Also, she sometimes gets moved by boys that she does not want to sit by.  They also get to switch papers with one another at different times and it is hard for her to initiate that process with someone new.  Deveraux has always been a slow warm up girl.  She also does like like any unsolicited attention drawn to her.  At times it is hard for me when we have been out and she sees a school friend and they greet her warmly and I have to say under my breath, "say hi".  The other day, she did a good job responding and we were proud of her. 
We want so much for our kids! 
 I want Deveraux to be comfortable.  I want her to not dread where she is going.  I want her to feel freedom and not self conscious!
But as I write this, I pause, is comfort always the best thing?
I want to say yes when it comes to my kids ...Yes! 
And that is why in part I have been fearful of school, because of discomfort or that day she says, "I don't want to go." 
Yet, more than anything I want her to be whoever God has designed her to be and for her to be dependant on Him! 
Is there discomfort in being stretched...oh yes!  But in being stretched do we gain something...yes
What has stretched me?  What has made me uncomfortable for a time, for a moment?
...moving, marriage, kids, new relationships, past jobs, running, not eating everything I want to, new situations....
SO as a parent, we get the really hard and often muddled job of discerning when to allow some of that discomfort for growth and good things to happen and when to step in and be an advocate.
I realize the cost in love.
I will be on my knees for this one. 

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