Friday, November 30, 2012


A beautiful mom. 
One who is willing to jump in and go along for the ride. 
She is just willing.
I know I don't always do it how she would, I know I move at times to a different rhythm, I know I can be stubborn and filled with agenda...and yet she loves and continues to take the seat next to me.

Mom is on a journey of freedom. 
She is ready to leap and leave all that ties and all that lies.
I am ready to watch her go on this ride!

Thank you mom Gigi for blessing us with your presence!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

We started with place cards for out table.
Turkey time!
They were both intrigued and repulsed by the raw turkey!
Deveraux reading the family a Thanksgiving book, wow, what can happen in a year!
Macy's Thanksgiving Parade!!!

Another traition...Entemans donuts
Dev's first pumpkin pie
During Sunday School worship at church, I asked some of the kids to share their thanks....Deveraux raised her hand and said, "I am thankful for the worship leader"...awwww
pealing potatoes....Gigi was a great ever present right hand assistant in the kitchen!
Getting read and putting up decorations
Sweet Young

I felt this was my first official turkey
I didn't want to forget this kitchen and all our spread...even onto the play kitchen in our little kitchen
We shared out table with Young and Eugene, dear friends and a new family from China, Theodore, Anna, and Belinda.  This was their first Thanksgiving.  What a joy.  They learned all about our Thanksgiving foods and football!

It struck me that we never know who will share our Thanksgiving table from year to year.  We grew up inviting others to our table.  Christmas is often more intimate but Thanksgiving has always seemed more open.  I want to continue opening our home on this day and what wonderful surprises when we never know from year to year who will share our table or whose table we will share!
Our Thanksgiving tree, idea borrowed from Ann Vaskamp...verses on one side and what we are grateful on the other.  We also had a long string of twine on the table with little strips of paper attached.  We asked everyone to write their thanks on them and we will use it each year on our Thanksgiving table.

Nothing like Thanksgiving desert...
So Bobo said he wanted to "save" a star cookie.  I thought that is one of his sayings that really means I will be eating it in 3 minutes.  Well, opened the refrigerator and there was his saved cookie.

Our dear friends, the Sollazzo's joined us for fun in the evening.
A good day.  A very filled day!  Filled with phone calls of loved ones, so glad to have mom, feeling like this was my first Thanksgiving I was fully "on" in the kitchen, and grateful to be with new and familiar friends.
We are grateful.  We are blessed!

Seeing the Sights with Gigi....

Fisherman's wharf...found some flowers for our Thanksgiving table...
Fisherman's Wharf
Last swim class..Deveraux did such a great job and started really using her arms and swimming.  Bobo had a little harder time adjusting to being in the pool without dada but did a good job learning what they were teaching about position of arms and legs.  We were proud of both of them!
Trying yet another version of firefighting gear...
Monarch Butterfly Sancturary
Monarchs are pretty amazing, it can take them months for them to migrate and they will fly about 100 miles a day.  It seems that the monarchs who come to Pacific Grove every year are new butterfly's and yet Monacrchs contienue to return year after year.  They are beautiful.

Pebble Beach
Great sunset light!

She's almost 7!