Saturday, March 22, 2014

Our days...from a few weeks ago

Out on a Barnes and Noble date with Papa.
Trying to bring a little Carmel to Maui.

Sweet Bobo in a pose I never see him in....sleeping during
the day.  Poor little guy was sick one day, I was worried
he was going to have Bronchitis like Dev, but he
recovered quickly, and it didn't turn into anything,
It felt like we were dealing with sickness for awhile and
much of it while Drew was away in Florida at his training.
Attempting to bring some goodness to the colds with soup.
We have a classroom pet.  A bunny and this is the cage. 
Our kiddos are really into playing animal games.  The other day
they had bowls of popping corn and water around and had
picked tons of grass for their pretend horses.
Love the internet for gaining ideas, especially fun when
we find tutorials for art.  This one was to paint like
Monet.  We learned a bit about him and then using cue tips
so their brush strokes would be small, they painted his
water lily scene.  They had fun.  I love that they love art!

(from our lanai one night, the clouds were just amazing, pictures
never completely capture...God's nature is too much for a lens).
This has been an usually rainy winter and cooler than we remember
of any winters before on Maui.  Of course, a blessing from above.
The heat will come soon.

silly papa before bed....we get to see papa for dinner a
few times a week.  Dev and Bobo are always excited to see him.
LOVE to find them busy and engaged!!!
They have been so busy at play and with one another.  This day
they made a car.
I believe they were headed off to snorkel.
We went to a Lego build at Barnes and Noble.  Bobo was
so excited.  It is moments like these that pangs me sometimes as a mama
 to look down at his face as we are headed in, he is so excited, anticipating
great fun.  Maybe because I want it to be all he is hoping for and maybe
because his emotion is palpable.  It was pretty fun.  A little different
than what we were expecting.  They were trying to advertise for the new
Lego movie so he received a book and a little figure (with a gun, but said,
"mom they gave it to me.")  We also won a little door prize which
was fun. 
This picture is funny and I included it because
my kids dressed me this day.  They had my outfit all
picked out, so even thought I was a bit of my
comfort zone with the little skirt and boots, I did it.
I am sure Dev and Bobo will wonder why I took so many sleeping 
pictures of them. 

Not the most flattering, but I was challenged to include them after
reading a blog about embracing the camera...for mamas to get themselves
in the shot.  This is how my kids will remember my to
theirs, in the morning, and in al sorts of funny positions. 

We went to the ocean center with Neeley's, Deveraux whenever
we would pass, she would say, Ocean Center!  They graciously
bought us season passes!! 

This was fun, this is a pretend Monk Seal, as he is not
even in an enclosed area.  But just like Dev several
years ago, we are in that stage with Bobo where he
thought they were real.  I could smile at Deveraux and we knew. 
And it was fun as I did with Dev, talk in a whisper about
the seals.

Dev used to be so scared of the divers.  She would
call them snorkel, not anymore! 
Showing Bobo a sharks tooth. 
....and a shaka! 

Dev loves being teacher...using same cards as I used with her.
Yeah, mom's box arrived from Colorado, sent from Het.
It was so nice for her to have her some of her things. 
We tried out Barnes and Noble for a school time,
just to be spontaneous. 
While Drew was away, we were pretty low key but
one this night. Gigi took us out to eat.  We had fun
being out and about in Lahaina town. 
Right on the water 

This is the scene while waiting for the Neeley's.
After leaving us, they spent a week in Kuai.  They
had a layover in Maui for a couple of hours.  So we
picked them up and they took us to dinner.  It was fun
to see them before they headed back.  It was again a bummer
that Andrew missed them by a day. 
I look up and what to my wondering eye should
appear, but a head.  They were passing time
in the airport waiting area. 

Dada is due back tomorrow and for that we are excited!!
It was the longest Drew has been away from us while we
stayed home.  It was one of those things that I just had to
look at the task in front of me and keep on...and not think
too much on his absence or the weight I felt without him.

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