Sunday, October 23, 2011


How do you teach your children gratitude? How do you teach compassion?
Still pondering these thoughts.....

Deveraux and I were talking today after we had been to Target to fill her shoebox for Operation Christmas Child (for those children on the other side of the world in need). We had a good time and Deveraux had fun and was excited picking out treats and felt she was giving. Then when we got home and we realized we needed to return a couple of items that didn't work out, well, Deveraux no longer wanted to give. She wanted to keep those things and she realized how difficult it was that she had picked so many things she would want. Her words, "My life is ruined if I can't get what I want." I laugh as I write this but it pained me greatly to hear her say those words.

But don't we all live in that place from time to time...

We talked about how things will never satisfy, but oh how they seem like they will, time and time again. If I can just get that.....I will be good/happy/satisfied..but as we know that only lasts until the next "thing." If only this lesson could be learned young.

We decided we maybe need to take a break from Target. Deveraux expressed that it is just hard to go into a store and want so many things, I completely understand and I don't want her to feel that. I know it is okay to enjoy fun, beautiful, enjoyable things, but I also know what it feels to live in discontent and want. We need some time to maybe figure some things out and seek God.

Deveraux did say that when she was giving she knew she was giving to Jesus...she just wasn't sure what that meant, so we were able to talk about that and how giving really good stuff is better than giving what you don't care about.

Oh I had the feeling/thought of "here we go" as a parent of a growing girl I do and will receive such good opportunities to teach and share. But it also feels weighty and I have to examine and attempt to clearly communicate truth and I want that to be Godly/Biblical truth.

I really want to raise cheerful "better to give than to receive" children and a children who see others and whi have compassion.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Thank you for these two! This has been a fun activity...using the boogie board and "surf" on it from the tree!

Wet suits...Really?

The kids have had such a hard time dealing with not being able to get in the we got them wet suits hoping they can jump in that is cold!

Trying out the suits!

Deveraux felt hesitant to just jump in... It will be a process!

Just like Maui

Oh I just love the beach!

It is really beautiful on Carmel's ocean

Add Image A family that wears wet suits...stays together! Andrew and I were laughing in the dressing room, oh my goodness, it is an experience trying to get into a wet suit. We were both sweating so much and it is definitely the kind of shopping that makes you consider your diet! Just the kids walked away with suits that day! It was really funny!

There they go~

They really like their suits!

extending our hands and hearts...

Lately, some thoughts that have been once again stirring for me are wanting to be in service to others. What does it mean to be "poured out". What does it mean to be a drink offering? What does it mean to spend ourselves on behalf of others? I feel so far away from the life of service I used to be involved in and have felt this for a long time. I am in full time service to two little ones, but I feel I also need to be in service to others. It does give me pause when I contemplate my service to my kiddos and provides meaning for such a calling.

I want Deveraux and Anderson to have compassionate hearts and to know the reality of others in our world, those who have so little and who are poor. And I also just want them to have a spirit of giving to others in our day to day.

It was so great because the verse that was in my study today was, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35. So my prayer is that I want myself and my family to be engaged in giving and to be open and begin to seek those places for us.

In a study on Paul by Beth Moore: (Paul)He believed and taught that God has specific plans for each believer. "We are His creation-created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them." God has a task for you-one He planned very long ago and suited for our present generation. Remember you are not responsible for completing anyone else's task, just yours. I like this and want to trust God will lead us in this place of extending our hands and our hearts!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Days with Bobo

Shopping in a favorite store with Anderson (Bobo)

At our Post office, checking mail.

I have always loved the idea of being able to walk to a town and check mail, shop, and have access to all those things. It is fun to get a taste of this in Carmel by the Sea. And even though it is different not having our Deveraux, Anderson and I have shared some good moments together.

An oven story

last meal on this stove

This was our oven when we moved in our new house in Carmel. The writing on the knobs was worn off so it was a guessing game as to the temperature and if it was on broil or bake. It was pretty frustrating at times but I "got smart" and used a marker so I would at least know when the oven was on. We found out that part could not be ordered because they stopped making the oven in the late 60's early 70's. My sentimental part (this is where my sisters laugh) felt kinda sad and I felt this sense that I had been a part of a cooking legacy with this stove. How many meals had been prepared, how many women (and yes men) had stirred over this stove with dreams, hopes, tears... These fixtures in our lives are important even though they are objects, they provide for us and memories are created with their use. I have appreciate our old washer and hearty dryer, sometimes older is better! Yet, when the new stove arrived, I was so grateful and it was exciting and it is still gas which is great and we will now make new memories!


Deveraux told me she when she was coloring she made a mistake and said, "I was so upset with myself but then I said, "I am coloring for the Lord and I don't have to be perfect becuase God is perfect and when I go to heaven I will be perfect."

Out of the mouth of babes!

New Creations

It is Christ in me, not me. His power so I will not boast and so I know it has nothing to do with me.

I recently heard a sermon on being a new creation. "If we hang out with Jesus, we will fall in love with Him and progressively become dead to sin." It is comforting that it is progressive (not all in one day) and that we actually are dead to sin. Another pastor said, the old is just a remnant, it's not the whole of who we are, a remnant! Often we act as though our flesh or the old man is the whole of who we are. I truly believe we can have freedom from those things that weigh us down, our thorns, this side of heaven.

I have felt at times in this season that God is on the move. I feel blessed by our church and I am really wanting to hear the Word taught and understand it. I want to know what I believe and have a Biblical base for for that Truth and lived out for my children in really practical ways and for any future ministry if God sees fit.

I was reading in a Bible study about when Paul was leaving the Ephesians that he warned them to keep watch over themselves and their flock. that "We simply cannot lead others to a place to which we are not steering our own lives." and "a crucial part of keeping watch over a flock (my children for me) is knowing the Word of God." Growing up in the church I have felt at times a laziness at learning the Word. I want truth that I live out practically taken from Scripture and passed down to my little ones.

I know we are trying to figure out our space in this time but I am hopeful for what God has in store for us. I no longer want to "just get by" or live without the freedom we have in Christ and being guided by the Holy Spirit, I want to be different. But I also know I want all of this today! It is so hard to wait. I see something good I want, I claim it and then I want change. I know I need to submit that God's ways and timing.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A good hike at Point Lobas

The best things often are not planned. We had a great family hike one Sunday evening and barely made it to the car before night descended. I am convinced that parenting is an exercise in letting go, holding loosely, loads of patience, an honor, and not easy. It is like you have to let everything go at times, expect a lot of work and also not let anything go as far as being consistent to your word and the characters you want to shape as we respond to these little people!

One morning we had a good getting up time, everyone in their places and happy and then I tried to do a 20 minute exercise video that probably lasted an hour due to 5 time outs for Bobo, broken glass as he tipped over a frame, and then went potty on the bathroom floor. "Uggh" I just kept asking for those 20 minutes and then Deveraux while exercising said, as only an innocent child can, "looks like your stomach is getting bigger." "Ughhhh"

In those times of frustration, I don't like how I respond which makes those times even harder.

Then we went to the ocean and had a grand time.

You just never know from minute to minute and I have to learn so much about not reacting during the moment to whatever is pressing in. Often my responses should be at a level 4 and they are at 9.

"Praise be to the Lord, to God my Savior, who DAILY bears my burdens." Wow!
-for those mornings where I feel I can't get an inch

-when I am struggling with a decision

-when I feel so weary

-when the kiddos are arguing with one another

-when I feel so tired of starting over with friendships

-when the "to do" list, the phone call, the email feels so hard to complete

My burdens are His!

Then Bobo laughs a little laugh or says, "I like you" in the middle of the night or Deveraux struggles to sound out a new word, Bobo says, "yeah yeah gotcha" or "what in the world" and Deveraux's helpful hands contribute once again towards Anderson or I see how she wants to bless him or how he longs to play with her and I say...I am blessed!

Being our Bobo Boy!

Had the bowl to "lick" it but ended up on his head!

Bobo decided to sit in the pool of water collected at the end of the driveway after we had washed the car...why not?

Anderson loves ice cream cones!

We are so enjoying Anderson's communication and vocabulary coming alive. He will ask "What's your day?" translation; "How was your day? He was often in the habit of saying, "Window me" translation: "Roll my window down. He says words like, "exactly", "delicious". He has such a sweet spirit about him. He loves to pray. He loves his special things and becomes attached to those things he deems special, a new library book on trucks, his blankie, kitty, bear..." He also sometimes needs some work on his delivery when he wants something or is not liking what is happening and will let us all know. He loves eating yogurt and drinking Vitamin water!

This morning some of his first words were, "I love the mama", I love the dada, I love the Bobo, I love the Raux Raux."

We love you Bobo!