He received word from Mike that they would like him to come as a Sales Executive. This was the first affirming news for him to come to Maui. Relief was felt. However there were still some things to work through. Now we finally had a choice as to whether we would stay or go, so we would need to come together on a decision. Secondly, there was still a confirmation he wanted to hear from his current supervisor, and lastly, we needed to receive word as to when we would need to arrive in Maui.
As we began to go through this process we came up with a few ah ha's. For Andrew, Maui is more than just a surfing destination or a place to go back to because he loves it. It also happens to encompass a great professional move and an exciting project to be a part of in his field. This is good for me to see. He also looks forward to being able engage in the water with our kids more.
As we made our pro/con lists which honestly felt in some ways like we would just be "going through the motions" because I know it is fairly clear we will be headed to Maui. However, by talking though our lists, we were able to learn more about each other and enlarge my understanding. We both had our list that we want to come back where we left off and open our home to others. And we both felt (came up on our own before sharing) that there was some unfinished business to potentially tend to in Maui.
Secondly, we realized that for Andrew when he is in a decision making process with God, he will move and ask God to bless it. Whereas, I might go back and forth, ask, wait, etc.... So in the decision before us, Andrew is feeling confirmed in the way he has moved and his prayers have been confirmed, thus, an invitation to Maui. I want him to lead. However, as his wife, we both want me to be on board as well.. So the prayer also becomes for me to be confirmed in these steps as well. I desire a softening and openness of heart towards Maui.
A dear friend said that we are called to be a blessing to our husbands. I can again and again be a blessing to Andrew by saying yes in these geographical changes and work decisions.. Andrew has been in such a hard place with his current work situation. I want him to feel good about the work of his hands. I can give him this by blessing our decision. My friend also encouraged me that I can give to a man who has found a bit of home in Maui, a place his soul found rest.
I'd love if you guys came back. And we will be neighbors!