Wednesday, August 14, 2013

For such a TIme as This! Homeschooling...."Take one"

A journey often contains, struggle...triumph....direction (all within 5 days)
Here is our home schooling far:

So we had a bit of a bump in the road over the last five days.  Seems to be "par for this course."
Bobo and Deveraux had just conquered a steep ascent!
Over a month ago, I asked Deveraux if she would want to attend school for a time if we were still here before moving to Maui.  She said she did not think so.  She communicated that her attachment is to the teacher and since she would be getting a new teacher, there was no bond created.  She communicated that she would not really miss the school days and she could see her friends.  We did not discuss it any more and we have just been waiting to see how the timing was going to work out for our future.
Then last Friday we found out that the lists were put up at the school for teacher assignments.  We had enrolled Deveraux in May as we were uncertain about the future.  When Deveraux heard about the list, she became very excited.  She found out she was assigned to a male teacher which she thought would be fun and interesting.   Now we found ourselves asking, "Should we place Deveraux in school for the weeks we have remaining (for which we had no idea)?  I felt so conflicted.  We were on the course of transition leading into home schooling and I was not prepared to "prepare" for school.  As I take a bit to warm to an idea, it took me some time and then we re-opened the door for her to attend River Elementary.

Her excited interest did not last long and she felt conflicted about starting school.  The parts that felt exciting also held uncertainty of outcome, of course.  As all new situations contain risk.  She said what it came down to was that she could have what she has at school (the learning) at home and what she can't have at school (our quiet times, not raising her hand to go to the bathroom, etc.) she can have at home.  Deveraux is a slow warm up girl.  I don't know if she also felt the lack of momentum leading up to school (we had not been preparing to begin a school year) and the reality of leaving after several weeks, I don't know. I know that she wanted to go (most days) the last two years of school.

Enter dilemma: We are in such a state of transition and to ask her to go to school for 7 weeks when maybe half those days may be painful is difficult.  We don't have an entire year in front of us and the cost did not seem to outweigh the benefit.  We also want our daughter to not be afraid of risk.  To feel success as she had the prior two school years.  Andrew also was excited for he to be part of an excellent school for a bit longer.

Enter Angst: Parental Angst!  We just were going over it, trying to cover all sides, praying, asking for prayer (thank you) and just still sitting in the seat of uncertainty.  So last night (the night before school) Andrew and I are sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor and the clock was making its way to 9:00 pm.  I told him what it came down for me was nothing has really changed except for the one day that Deveraux showed excitement.  We were on a certain course that we had decided.  I don't want to look at homeschooling as "second best" or a choice by "default."  If Deveraux was willingly excited for school and it was no big deal we just would have gone for it.  Now having said all of that, I told him (in a moment of inspiration) that he could make the decision.  I was his helpmate and it actually felt great!  This is not a well practiced muscle for me, but I felt like I could turn it over to him and his leading.  I also felt that he would take more ownership (hopefully equally less resentment) if he was the one making the final call.

I felt trepidation about what he would decide but I also felt free.  I don' have to decide!
The burden rested upon him.
wow, what a concept.

Christ tells us.  "My yoke is easy and my burden light" 

The picture is we really turn it over to Him.  I turned it over to Andrew.  He said that he wanted to feel peace and a strong sense of conviction in order to be able to tell Deveraux she needed to go to school.  He did not receive either the peace or conviction and he listened.  I felt such an answer to prayer as he really wanted her to go to school but was willing to let go.  I love my man!

Enter Answer: Andrew took some time and then came in where we were reading and told Dev that although we were so grateful for River School, we were in a state of transition and we were going to begin homeschooling. (YEAHOOO). 

I felt we could trust what Deveraux was saying.  The last two years I wanted to homeschool her and I was surprised she was not interested (except during a hard day at school).  This year she is interested. I feel there is something she is needing in this season and it coincides with my direction and really my ambition as a mom.  It provides further confirmation. 

Last Monday I felt such inspiration for homeschooling.  I want to dive in.  There is a togetherness, a molding, a shaping, a more singular focus for Such a Time as This!  I was reading Ann Voskamp's blog and loved the words she wrote, that homeschooling is a way of life for a family.  This just brings many things together for me and the timing is right.  I want to take this on and fully invest in these lives.  

Deveraux is such a sponge right now.  She is a voracious reader, loves the Bible, loves to create, she is willing to be inspired and I can partake in shaping in so many directions.  This time will pass so quickly, it already has.

So on Monday, I officially I told Andrew yes to Maui.  I felt I received what I was needing to say yes.  Purpose, meaning, a heart change.  My focus is on my kiddos and our family and its new direction.  This can happen in Maui, this focus and with the absence of River School.

For such a time as this....Trepidation, yes.  Uncertainty, yes!  Faith, yes!  Inspiration and desire, yes!  And a strong sense that this is right!  Thank you God for so many answers!

Here we go!  (We officially start Homeschooling on Tuesday, August 20th...Bobo also).

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